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Another holiday approaching means likely temptation with candy dishes, baskets and heavy meals. Here are my quick tips for minimizing nutrition stress this Easter season and maximizing the purpose of the holiday:

Fill baskets with fun stuff. Easter is the second largest candy-giving holiday, next to Halloween. Go against the grain and fill the kids’ baskets with non-candy items, such as school supplies and granola bars. My “Easter bunny” used to fill our baskets with necessities like socks and underwear. Before we could get disappointed, we’d find something fun like a movie ticket or a packet of the ubiquitous marshmallow Peeps. We’d usually have a little candy in our baskets, but it was never the primary focus. This is a smart approach—enjoy candy in moderation but don’t make it all about the sweets.

Cross Protein, Carb and Fat off your plate. When having a big meal with family or friends, chances are there will be lots of choices and lots of carbs. Before you begin to eat, be sure you’re including a good source of protein and fat—carbs are easiest to come across. Protein and fat will facilitate stopping when full and help you resist reaching for Easter candy later on. Choose a quality protein—if you eat meat, this may come in the form of Easter ham and if you don’t, there should be plenty of colored eggs to pick from. Your fat source might be the butter you spread on your bread, a handful of nuts from the bowl on the table, or, better yet—the avocado you stashed in your purse or pocket (A+ for portability!) Carbs are easier to find—that dinner roll you could probably go without is a given, but the healthier choice is to load up on veggies—cooked, in a salad, or both.

Celebrate the Reason. Enjoy your food, and treat yourself to a sweet or a few pieces of candy, but keep the focus off your food. Take some quiet time to remember why you are celebrating this holiday: *He is Risen.*

P.S. Does meal planning stress you out? For meal plans, you’ll love our 50 Days of PFC, where it’s all laid out for you so you know what to eat for 50 full days. We take away the burden of having to figure out what to eat and lay it all out in one convenient e-guide (we have one for adults, and one for kids, too!)

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